Quick access:
Course contribution:
Hukum Kelembagaan Negara (S1 Reguler; Semester 2, 2024/25)
Course contribution:
Constitutional Development and Principles of Good Government (Intern. LL.M
Program; Semester 2, 2024/25)
Lecture: Fostering
Constitutional Resilience: The Concept of
Defensive Democracy in the Basic Law
Constit. Law Series on occasion of 75th anniversary of German Basic Law, 01.08.2024)
Lecture: The Federal Constitutional Court: Function and Performance
Online Academy 10.2023)
Lecture: German
Administrative Law and the Covid-19 Pandemic (CPG
Online Academy 03.2023)
Lecture: New Threats for Democracy in the Era of Digitalisation (ICDNR
2022, UNSOED, UMP & UNDIP 2022-23)
Seminar Lecture: Judicial Review of Administrative Action in
Germany (Intern. Seminar, UMP, Purwokerto, 14.02.2023)
and discussion on legal methodology and legal writing (UIN
SAIZU, Purwokerto, 13.02.2023)
Kuliah tamu
Wolfgang Brehm:
Pancasila sebagai Dasar dan Kekuatan Pendorong guna Demokrasi
Indonesia dan Toleransi Agama (09.09.2022, UGM)
Lecture: Sponsoring a War of Aggression? The German Basic Law and
the Continuing Large-Scale Import of Russian Fossil Fuels (BDHK/MRU,
Vilnius, 23.08.2022)
Guest lecture: The rule of law - an often underestimated core
principle of the modern constitutional state (18.03.2022,
UNDIP, Semarang)
Lecture: Human Rights and the Use of the Technologies of the
Fourth Industrial Revolution for Electrified Vehicles, Self-Driving
Cars and Driverless Public Transport (ICDNR 2021, UNS,
Approaches to Promote Gender Parity in Parliamentary Representation
in Germany and France [handout/article]
(ICSPA 2021, UIN Ar-Raniry,
Banda Aceh)
Joint lecture with
Mohammad Ibrahim: The response to the
Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia from the constitutionalist
(HS Bund, Brühl,
23.06.2021, updated 25.07.2021)
Guest lecture: Freedom of Religion and Tolerance in a Pluralistic
Society - illustrated by the Example of Germany (04.06.2021,
UNDIP, Semarang)
Lecture: COVID-19 response and human rights - comments from the
German and European perspective
2020, UNSOED, Purwokerto)
Lecture: Towards a globalisation of law? Comments from the European
perspective in view of the experiences with the Europeanisation of
law [handout/article]
2020, UNNES, Semarang)
The implementation of the rights of refugees and asylum seekers in
Europe and Germany (National Seminar UMB Baubau, 08.02.2020)
Lecture: Human Rights and the New Technologies of the Fourth
Industrial Revolution (INGRACE
2020, UGM)
lecture of Prof. Dr. Anis Bajrektarevic (Vienna):
Cyberspace: Between Legal and Security Challenges, Socio-economic
Opportunities and Moral Dilemmas
(16.04.2019, UGM)
Workshop: Fundamental Rights in Europe - the Example of Germany
(28.-29.03.2019, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta)
Lecture: Integration through Law - the European Approach of
Supranational Geo-regional Integration
2019, UGM)
Lecture series: Grundrechte
in Deutschland - ein Einblick (11./12.2018, Universitas Negeri
Lecture: Political parties and their funding in Germany
National Conference of Constitutional Law, 2018)
Lecture: The Role of the Rule of Law in Times of Globalisation and
Populism (IC-GLOW 2018, UNS, Surakarta)
Lecture: The Role of the Constit. Court to protect the
Constitutional Rights of the Citizen in the Era of Globalisation
(IC-GLOW 2017, UNS, Surakarta)
tschmit1@thomas-schmitz-eu.de |
Phone/WhatsApp: +62 812 9824 3441 |
Skype: Dr.Thomas.Schmitz |
Office: Building A, room A.VI.11 |
Address: Fakultas Hukum, Universitas
Gadjah Mada,
Jalan Sosio Yustisia No. 1, Bulaksumur, Kab. Sleman,
D.I. Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia |