Current issues


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31.05.2022 - Information "Study in Germany" updated

02.2022 - Courses and course contributions in Semester 2, 2021/22

08.-11.2021 - Courses and course contributions in Semester 1, 2021/22

02.03.2021 - Information "Study in Germany" updated

02.-03.2021 - Courses and course contributions in Semester 2, 2020/21

09.-11.2020 - Courses and course contributions in Semester 1, 2020/21

08.06.2020 - Information "Study in Germany" updated

02.-05.2020 - Courses and course contributions in Semester 2, 2019/20

08.-11.2019 - Courses and course contributions in Semester 1, 2019/20

05.04.2019 - Invitation to a guest lecture on cyber law


Prof. Dr. Anis Bajrektarevic: Cyberspace: Between Legal and Security Challenges, Socio-economic Opportunities and Moral Dilemmas
Tuesday, 16.04.2019, Fakultas Hukum UGM, Building III

28.03.2019 - Special Workshop in Jakarta on Fundamental Rights


Fundamental Rights in Europe - the Example of Germany (28.-29.03.2019)

03.-04.2019 - Courses and course contributions in Semester 2, 2018/19

01.03.2019 - Start of this website


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